About Me

"Linda is a spiritual leader and light ascendent guider & cleanser who harnesses the power of positive mindset training for individuals, groups and business owners. Linda clears energies and re-sets you to be able to live your life optimally through infinite abundance, joy and magic”

In the beginning

My earliest memories of my awareness of energy and energetic beings was as a small child attending Church with my Grandparents. I can recall Angels singing and dancing above my head- I thought every one could see them!

By the time I was a teen, I had learnt to “dull down” down my senses to be normal, even though I was still highly receptive to the energy of others and the entities surrounding them.

Fast forward to living in Europe in my late teens, and I quickly acknowledged just how many beings I was aware of from “time bleeds”- Literally seeing people who passed from the plague in times previous. Simply by tapping into my awareness of a location, I was able to know whether to visit or not based on the volume of entities I could perceive.

As I reached my mid 20’s, challenged by seeing and perceiving what few others could, i found myself using alcohol & partying to numb my senses and to avoid knowing what I know. Later, as I entered motherhood in my 30s, I was finally able to recognise the gift that entity awareness is for me.

Since this time, I have encouraged my children to tap into their light, play with energy and know what they know.

I am so grateful that my own Beings of Light guided me back to my extraordinary path as a light worker where I now engage these kind and conscious Beings of Light to raise the vibration of the planet and to assist in bringing you home to you!

Your infinite abundance is waiting for you!

“Are you ready to create a life of infinite abundance?”

“Are you ready to create a life of infinite abundance?”


“Hi Linda Just wanted to thank you for our session, what a relief, clarity, and peace I feel, plus no pain! Feeling so light and fluffy today. My words are not adequate enough for my appreciation, I am really wanting to keep the space I feel now.”

Lisa, February 2022


“ I feel this is a game changer, And to learn from you is pretty Fuk’n awesome as you are full awareness” (bars workshop).

Peter, February 2022


“Hello Linda I wanted to let you know I have had an amazing week! My life has turned into the “golden super highway” and I am really getting into this asking for things. So far this week, I’ve smashed work (I asked for focus), got invited to a racing team ( I asked for it) and got a free PDO thread lift ( I deserve that). I feel so grateful for my life, I’m so settled and safe for once in my life.  Lisa and I think your fucking brilliant and I think you have helped me change my Life!!”

Dee, February 2022



“I have been seeing Linda for several months this year. I go to her when I feel overwhelmed, stuck needing things to clear so I can move forward. Linda has been a trusted resource for me. I credit my time with her for my renewed clarity and progress on so many levels on my spiritual journey”

Jodi, July 2021


“Linda’s light is infinitely abundant and all encompassing. One session alone was complete transformative. This work can be confronting at times, but Linda’s grace and unconditional love guides you to exactly what you need. I am so blessed to have encountered this spiritual mind”

Ella, Dec 2000