Book an appointment today.

It all BEgins with you! You are the one you have been waiting for. Let me introduce you to your purpose in life!

The Healing Oracle

Linda is a divine communicator with the cosmos. In her Healing oracle readings Linda will acknowledge the past as a guide to your future. Look at your new opportunities to see and create a future with possibilities, clarity, and ease.

Work With Me.

Magic You!

BEing Magic!

Connecting to the Divine Light that we all BE and universal awareness Linda uses all modalities to ignite your magic within!

  • Psychic/Medium reading

  • Collaborating with your physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and sensual bodies to reconnect to you!

  • Past, present and future life clearings

  • Access Consciousness Bars or body process

  • Stopping all the mind junk to connect you to your future possibilities!

  • getting you on your “pathway to you”

2hrs 30 mins

In person

$395 AU

In this treatment, Linda will intuitively be guided with her magic to what you,

your body and soul require.

A sacred foot bath, guided meditation, past life clearings and channelling.

Whatever is required for you to gain freedom of unwanted emotions and thoughts that are inhibiting you. You will leave with a renewed sense of life.

How exciting!

1:30 mins

in person or via Zoom (no foot bath)

$200 AU

Access Bars®

Empowering people to know what they know. The light touch, connecting to 32 points on your scalp, releasing thoughts, feelings and emotions that are not yours that you have unconsciously collected along the way.

80 mins each session

$200 AU

3 sessions is recommended for great results

Magic Fire Ceremony 

Within a sacred circle, Linda channels the Universal BEings of Light for your highest good, clearing past life energies. Enhanced with your own personal channeling, crystal candle and unique mantra

1:15 mins

in person or via zoom

$ 225 AU

Atomic Bodywork

Connecting your mind, body and spirit together Linda releases emotional and physical trauma that is trapped in your 5 bodies, freeing your body, soul and mind. Gently placing her hands either on your head, shoulders or stomach Linda releases the stuck vibrations, these stuck vibrations transition from your body through Linda’s to never be seen again.

80 mins each session

in person

$200 AU

3 session recommended


15 weeks of guidance and support, allowing you to resolve unwanted thoughts, BEhaviors, patterns and processes. Giving you back hope, magic and joy!

Please feel free and call to see if this is right for you.

1 treatment per week or when necessary for 15 weeks/treatments

$2500 AU

Payment Plans available

Golden Lightforce

Linda will revitalise and regenerate the Golden Light that has slowed or stopped functioning at the Conscious level, which will create ease, possibilities and more magic for you to BE in a creation- ship with yourself and others. This 2 hour session will unlock patterns and systems that are controlling your life force. Linda has the ability to see into your personal, emotional, physical, spiritual and sensual bodies. Linda clears the systems and regenerates and rejuvenates the Golden Light that is not functioning or working at the full potential for you. Gifting you all of you! It is extremely powerful and life changing, so expect change!!!11

2 hrs per session

in person or via zoom

$500 AU